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Old 09.07.2005, 07:50
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I'm a pretty big CCR fan and I read this story online and I wanted to share it. This writer Max Rollins interviews a guy named Billy "Loose Shoes" Hoost. Mr. Hoost (who is no longer with us) calimed that he wrote and recorded "Born on the Bayou" in 1965. I don't know how true it is, but it sure is entertaining. The song is actually pretty good and the interview is funny as hell. Plus the Hoost guy screws up both Fogerty and CCR's names something awful (LOL) .

Here's the links to the story

and the songs
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Old 12.07.2005, 19:49
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I heard about this also. It is interesting that this guy is from Louisiana and Fogerty is from California.

I think we have another case of talent robbery here...
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Old 15.07.2005, 23:56
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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I have some interviews of John explaing this song and how it was writen. They are pretty long but they are very intersting!
Q: Whats the story of "Born On The Bayou?"
John Fogerty: "With that one, the feeling and everything was there first. We were onstage at soundsheck at the Avalon Ballroom in San Francsico. I just started going into the lick, and I told Tom to just keep hitting the E over and over. And I just started screaming sounds without any words. I worked the whole song without lyrics right there. It took me a couple of weeks to finish the song. I was writing many songs at once then, in 1968, for the "Bayou Country" album. I was writing these at night, and I remember that Bobby Kennedy got killed durring this time. I saw that late at night, live and all night because I had the tv on, they kept showing it over and over. "Bayou" and "Proud Mary" and "Chooglin" were all cookin at that time. I'd say that that was when the whole swamp myth was born - right there in a little apartment in El Cerrito. I remember that I thought it would be cool if these songs crossed- reference with each other. Once I was doing that I realized I was working on a mythical place." ( in Musician 11/1997) If you want to go to the site where I got this from go to I dont know if it wil work but you can give it a try. Ok, here is the last one
John Fogerty: " The riff came before the words. I had that riff while we were soundchecking at the Avalon Ballroom in 1968. "Suzi Q" was just a demo tape being played on KMPX. We has heard Jani's demo of "Hesitation Blue" with Jorma playing guitar and someone typing in the backround. We though, "Wow, we ought to make a demo tape too." So they started playing the demo version of "Suzi Q", which is the same version that appears on the album. Anyway, we were getting ready to play the Avalon Ballroom. Our first album was just about ready, but I was on to the next batch of songs, and I had this riff for a song. It was 6:30 or 7:00 at night, they're getting ready to open the doors any minute, but we're on stage soundchecking because we were the punk, opening band. So I screamed at Stu, play these notes on the bass. Doug, play this beat. Tom, strum the back beat. Everybody stay in E as I was hammering this riff, screaming nonsenceical vowels. (I write alot songs that way) The feeling was great. Meanwhile the stage manager hollers "You guys need to stop." But I needed to work the song out. "You have to stop. You're wasting everybodys time. Besides, you're not going anywgere anyway!" With that remark, he'd thrown down the gauntlet. I gave him the evil eye, then I looked at him and said "Give me a year, I'll show you who's goin somewhere." Then we went backstage and gatherd our pride. About four years later, I ran into the same guy when he was doin an interview with us. He rememberd that night. I was the only guy with enough chutzpah to predict the future ten times over. Yes indeed, it was a hell of a year. By the end of May in 1968, I was staying up late in my room, finally finishing the song. The feel was defintely southern with a "swampy" vibrato guitar, an adjective I invented because my music was about swamps. "Born On The Bayou" was vaguely like "Porterville" about a mythical childhood and a heat - filled time, the Fourth Of July. I put it in the swamp where, of corse, I never lived. It was late at night as I was writing. I was trying to be a pure writer, no giutar in hand, visualizing and looking at the barewalls of my apartment. Tiny apartments have wonderful bare walls, especially when you cant afford to put anything on them. "Chasin Down A Hoodoo." Hoodoo is a magical, mystical, spirtual,nondefined apparition, like a ghost or a shadow, not necessarily evil, but but certainly other - worldly. I was getting some of that imagery from Howlin Wolf and Muddy Waters. There was also the ill fated album I recorded called "Hoodoo." It never came out. I dont even have a copy of it. I'm sure it is worse than I even remember it." With hearing these words by John I am pretty sure that he wrote the whole song. Well, I hopr you injoyed these interviews as much as I did! I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 18.07.2005, 20:06
swampthing swampthing is offline
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Thanks for the articles music girl. It gives lots more insight. Although seems funny that he was spending so much time meditating on " swamp" images and vibe. Not to say that I don't lean toward Fogerty. But it's not exactly proof positive.Just my opinion. Thanks!!!

P.S. Dare I say that I really like Hoosts version
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Old 19.07.2005, 03:07
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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I can understand your view and I respect your view but to me, John story of how he wrote it makes more sense but I guess we will never no the exact truth. I just believe his story more. I am not saying that everything that comes out of his mouth is 100 percent true but there is something about John's story that believe. I have not heard Hoosts version. I bet it sounds interesting though. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 19.07.2005, 20:59
swampthing swampthing is offline
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This is the link to the Hoost version. Thanks again M.G.
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bayou, born

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