Creedence Revisited - 9 March 2013
Went to see Stu, Doug and the band in Silver Springs Florida and what a show! Couldn't have been better.
Silver Springs is an attraction/nature park. It's been around since they came out with dirt. It's claim to fame are the numerous fresh water springs and the glass bottom boats that take tourists out on the river to view the wildlife and springs. Several movies (a couple of James Bond for sure) and many television shows (Sea Hunt) were filmed there. If you have underwater scenes and need air-clear water Silver Springs is the place to film. They also have or at least had numerous animal exhibits but most of those were empty. From what I heard the State is taking over the operations later this year due to the owners having financial issues.
Anyway, the concert started at 3 PM in a large open field dotted with huge oak trees with hanging Spanish moss. The stage was set on a large Southern styled building complete with white columns. The weather was absolutely perfect. Low 70's with a slight breeze. Perfect for swamp music in a Southern setting.
The band sounded fantastic. When they started it sounded like someone dropped a needle in a half speed master recording pumped with a couple thousand crystal clear watts. And it stayed that way throughout the whole concert. We were a couple yards off the soundboard and the guys working the sound had it nailed solid. The balance between instruments and vocals and the separation of the instruments was perfect. You could hear everything without any distortion or any other sound overshadowing. Captain Gunner's acoustic guitar could be heard very plainly while Kurt's lead was wailing away.
I always compare concerts I attend to a Bachman Turner Overdrive concert I attended in St Louis in the mid-late 80's. It was in a small venue, in the round, and they were on a rotating stage. The sound there was also perfect. Now I have a new standard to compare concerts.
I went so far as to stop at the soundboard and thank the guys for the great sound.
Back to the music. It was the standard fair of Creedence music with a surprise of I Put A Spell on You. Let me say Johnny Bulldog showed the crowd what he can really do. His vocals rocked the crowd.
And finally, Kurt's guitar work is something you should hear if you haven't. He really shines. Way better then Tal and more true to Creedence Revival than Elliot. It's as if Kurt listened to Recollection and Chronicle and took the best guitar work of those albums and fused them together.
Doug's drum solo on I Heard It through the Grapevine was a little longer than in past shows and the crowd ate it up. That was followed by Stu doing some solo bass work to lead up to the close of the song. When those familiar notes start to close the song the crowd erupts with most standing in ovation.
If you haven't seen Creedence Revisited in awhile they are worth seeing. They have that CCR sound. Plain and simple.