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Old 04.11.2005, 10:11
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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Ya, Dazed And Confused is one of my all time favorite Led Zep song. I think the Led song you should check out the most is Since I've Been Loving You. If you want to hear like a 30 second clip of any of their songs you can go to and Led Zeppelin really does have a blues influence and they talk about it all the time. Infact, in almost every Led interview they talk about thier blues influences. Also another band that has a pretty blues influences is Aerosmith. Aerosmith is an American rock band from the 70's and 80's. If you want to check them out to, go the web sited that are listed above and you will find their material there too. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 04.11.2005, 13:00
becca_d becca_d is offline
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I didn't find the clips, how do I find them? I'm sorry, I'm almost retarded about computers sometimes! Well, I have heard some of Aerosmith's music, and I don't think it tempts me that much, to be honest. You have a very broad musical taste! Everything from Led Zeppelin to Ricky Nelson. Don't get me wrong, I think that it is really good! I just commented it.
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Old 04.11.2005, 23:14
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Oh, forget it, I found them! Obviosly I didn't try very hard the first time... I listened to some songs from the first Led Zeppelin album, and I listened to "Since I've Been Loving You". It sounded good! But sometimes I think Led Zep sounds to heavy and dark. Sure, they are quite bluesy, and that I like, but also they give me a creepy feeling sometimes. If you know what I mean? Anyway, I also listened to clips from the Jimi Hendrix albums "Are you experienced" and "Blues", and man, I am think I have got the Hendrix bug! I just love the music more and more. I think Jimi is very influenced by the blues, don't you? The "Blues" album contains only blues, and it sounds really GREAT! I know what is going to end up under the christmastree this year....
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Old 05.11.2005, 04:52
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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I dont blame you about Led. A lot of people think that. I personally like them because it makes me feel invinsible, I feel like I can do almost anything when I listen to them. Hendrix is really good and I am glad you like him! I dont remember if I told you or not but Jimi was named by Rolling Stone the best guitarist ever. I dont completely agree with that but I do think he is an extremely good guitarist! My friend couldnt burn me the box set but He gave me another Creedence CD. I love the CD and it has the song Wrote A Song For Everyone on it. I absolutely love that song! I agree with him being influenced by the blues. My favorite Hendrix song is Purple Haxe. Whats yours? I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 05.11.2005, 16:34
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Yeah, Jimi Hendrix is a great guitarist! Well, according to what I have read about him, he was very influenced by blues performers like Howlin' Wolf and Muddy Waters (and his first musical hero was Elvis!), and to me a lot of his music IS blues. Sometimes blues is just a feeling, and I get that feeling when I listen to his music. It's in his voice, also. But of course he rocks to, and I love that! I haven't heard enough of his songs to make up an opinion about what's my favoritesong yet. But when I have got some cd's with him, I'll tell you! Oh, it was sad that you couldn't get the box-set! What Creedence-cd was it your friend gave you (you have a very nice friend, by the way!)? Ya, I know, "Wrote A Song For Everyone" is maybe my absolute favoritesong with Creedence. I love it so unbelievably much. What do you think of the lyrics? It's about not being able to communicate with the people you care about, but to me it feels like John is critizing the conscription to Vietnam and the racial segregation as well. What do you think?
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Old 15.12.2005, 00:20
Stam Stam is offline
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nice pics guys
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