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Old 01.11.2005, 19:03
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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Ok I dont have the exact site but I have some directions to get there. Go to p;start=60&sa=N then click on the picture in the second row third to the right. The you should be there. Please let me know if you find the pics ok. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 01.11.2005, 22:51
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Hi there! I found the pics, but I didn't look at all of them, since there were so many. I wish I could hear some of their music, and find out what it's like. But when you're stuck in Lodi.... Well, sooner or later I'll stumble across it! You know "Looking out my backdoor"? Isn't that a GREAT tune? I think it is! The lyrics are pretty interesting, don't you think? "There's giants turning cartwheels, statues wearing high heels, look at all the happy creatures dancing on my lawn" (I heard of someone who thought it was "look at all the happy preachers dancing all alone", he, he...). First time I heard it, I thought for sure it was about drugs. It didn't suprise me, for it seems like everyone was on some sort of drug back then. It wasn't until later that I learned that John and the rest of the band was pretty anti-drug (although John admitted he had been experimenting with pot a couple of times), and that he actually wrote it for his son who was 4 years old at the time. So it is a childs song. I must be at bit childish.... Everyone thought "The flying spoon" was the spoon junkies used to melt drugs to make it liquid so it could be injected, but Doug said it was "the silverspoon given to you when you are born, usually by Grandma, that you use to put babyfood all over the room". The line "won't you take a ride on the flying spoon" made very vivid pictures in my head after I heard that, he, he....
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Old 02.11.2005, 04:40
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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This might sound a little innocent but I never thought that it was about drugs. I remember the first time I heard that song. I thought it sounded really country and I liked it. I know you probally dont care about those pics I gave you but I just want to know what you think of those pics of Led. More so Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Do you think the lead singer(Robert Plant) is cute? I personally do well at least in 69 and the early 70's. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 02.11.2005, 14:44
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Well, you were not innocent, because it wasn't about drugs, you were completely right! Actually, when I think about it, I didn't think it was about drugs the very first time I heard it, it took a while before I learned all the words, and even then it took a little while before it just stroke me, "of course it's about drugs". Is it a dobro John is playing in this song? If you know that.... No, no, it was interesting to see the pics, absolutely, but you know, when I don't know them or their music at all, I can't be as engaged as you are! Robert Plant was a bit cute, at least in those early pictures, with that long curly hair. But not as cute as John Fogerty, though! There is no man in this world that could be cuter than him! He was just gorgeus....
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Old 02.11.2005, 18:56
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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Ya, it was a dobro. He also used the dobro a lot on the BMS album too. You are right right about JF being cuter than RP. Especially the fact that most of the time RP was doing drugs or something but as you know, John never touched the stuff. And when I say "something" I just dont mean pot but speed, coccain, heroin, LSD, Acid, angel dust you name it RP and Led Zeppelin took it.(Not to mention all the booze they drank either) And we all know John didnt do anything like that (though, he hinted that the other members were doing drugs at one point.If you want me to pull up that artical I would be happy.) So his face was untouched by these drugs which makes him look 100 times better. John looks great now. Healthy and a happy home life. Though, people like RP and The Rolling Stone dont look so good now because of all the drugs they took and their faces are aged more then it should be. If you took a picture of John from CCR he looks the same. Mite I add he looked really good by the way. But if you took a pic of Robert Plant from the Led Zeppelin days of Mick Jagger when he was younger, they really different now because of all the danm drugs they took. Drugs totally screwed up their face. What do you think? Sorry I rambled on, but its just my opioion. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 02.11.2005, 22:47
becca_d becca_d is offline
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I COMPLETELY agree with you! It is such a stupid idea to use drugs, it doesn't only screw up your face and make you look like Frankenstein, only without the stiches, it also totally screws up your brain (and that is even worse, don't you think?). I mean, LSD made the brains of these dumb musicans a mess, not to mention all the other dangerous things they used. Therefore I was very glad when I heard that John disdained drugs, and that "Looking out my backdoor" was a song for his son, and not about an LSD-trip. I think John is one of the most goodlooking 60 year-olds I have ever seen! Of course, he is no longer 24, but still he looks very healthy and youngish. Did the other members of Creedence really use drugs? Yes, I would really like to read that article, so if you could post it I would be very thankful. Guess what! I was at our local library today, and I found a couple of DVD's from a series of DVD'S called "The history of rock'n'roll" that contains performances of among others Jimi Hendrix, The Byrds, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead, and not LEAST Led Zeppelin! I haven't watched them yet, but I can't wait! I'm not sure if it's an awful lot with Led Zep, but at least enough to give me an inpression of them. I'll tell you what I think when I have watched them, ok?
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Old 03.11.2005, 09:57
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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Music Girl is infamous around these parts

Sure that is aesome! I cant wait to hear your review! John is I agree one of the best looking 60 year old I have ver seen. He looks very healthy and happy. I wish him the best! You are right, Its much when your brain is fried rather your face. I will try to pull up the article. Ok I found it. Go to Please let me know if you found and what you think. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 03.11.2005, 15:06
becca_d becca_d is offline
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I read the article, and it was very interesting, thank you so much! I really admire John for not taking drugs and not drinking much, and beeing so honest about it. What big idiots the other members of Creedence were! This disappointed me, actually. Don't you agree? Well, I have watched the first DVD (it is two), where it was some performances of Jimi Hendrix. Man, that was awesome! I just have to get some cd's with him. But I wonder how many guitars he smashed in his short career.... He was a freak, but when he settled on making music, he really did make music, alright! There was also a performance of Santana that was pretty good, and some of Janis' songs was not to bad, but she tend to end up screaming instead of singing, and I think it is just to much, if you know what I mean! There was some performances by Bob Dylan that I really liked. What do you think of Bob Dylan? I have listened to him before, and I decided that I didn't like it, but I think I have changed my mind. I haven't gotten to the Led Zep part yet, but I'm going to watch the other DVD today, so I tell you what I think then. Hope you have a nice day!
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Old 03.11.2005, 18:50
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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Music Girl is infamous around these parts

When I first read that article I was like "WHAT?" It really did kind of did dissapoint me then I realized like you those guys are idiots. Jimi Hendrix is good isnt he? People have considerd him a guitar god and Rolling Stone named the best guitars ever. Though, like you said he was a freak. Did you know that Jimi and Janis were boyfriend and girlfriend? They both died of a drug over dose which is very sad. Personally, I think The Who smashed more guitars than Jimi did. Jimi also did very wierd things to his guitar on stage for show. He played with his teeth, Lit his guitar on fire (I think he did this at the Monterux Pop Festivle.) Sorry my spelling suck. And he also some times even humped his guitar. He was again a freak like you said. I like Bob Dylan. My favorite song would have to be Blowin In The Wind, Like A Rolling Stone. My favorite song that he has written and recorded by other artist is All Along The Watchtower(Jimi Hendrix did this song) and my second favorite is Mr. Tamborine Man (The Byrds did this one) If you really liked Jimi Hendrix on stage, then you are going to love Led Zep then. Oh ya, I am glad that you enjoyed the article! I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 03.11.2005, 21:19
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Jimi Hendrix is really good! It's just unbelievable what sounds he could get out of that guitar, and his singing was also great. Yeah, I know, he did some really freaky things which I personally could have done without, but his music was great, though! I think it was at the Monterey Festival that The Who and Jimi Hendrix tried to sort of outdo each other in crazy behaviour on stage. So when The Who smashed the guitar, Jimi Hendrix smashed the guitar AND lit it on fire.... No, I didn't know that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. It is so sad that they wasted their lives like that, taking drugs, and eventually died of an overdose. Really just terrible. I think the songs you mentioned by Bob Dylan are very fine songs! On the first DVD Jimi Hendrix made a version of Like A Rolling Stone that I think was outstanding. Now I've seen the other DVD, and there were two performances of Led Zeppelin from 1969, "How Many More Times" and "Dazed And Confused". I really liked it! Robert Plant seems to have been very influenced by the blues in the beginning of their career, and the blues was very appearent in these two songs, and in his voice. And you know how much I love the blues. So maybe I should check out their first album, if I can find it. I hope you have a nice day to!
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