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Old 09.10.2005, 09:32
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okay, just yestrday, i saw a commercial for a John Fogerty CD, i forgot what it was called, but it was a complition of his and CCR's songs. anyway, in that commercial, they had REALLY tremendous footage of the original CCR playing together and in a recording booth and everything. im sorry i'm not more detalied on this, but if you know what i'm talking about, and you've seen that commercial, and you OWN that CD, does it come with that footage on it?!?? because if it does, i'm buying it! lol, but if you also saw the commercial somewhere on a website, please let me know, because the footage they showed was great, and i'd just save the commercial if i had to! sorry this isn't as detailed i think there was a site though they mentioned, ? not sure, but hopefully someone here has seen it!
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Old 09.10.2005, 10:19
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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I think the cd you are talking about is the "Lobng Road Home" CD. It's John "new" CD with Fantasy Records. It does not have any footage on it. It's going to be released Nov. 1st. If you want some CCR footage, Fantasy Records is releasing the Royal Albert Hall Concert on DVD. This is planed to be released on Oct, 25th. I hope this info helps!! I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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Old 10.10.2005, 07:29
Posts: n/a

haha, ya, its the 'long road home' i was talking about CD, i just blanked out on the name when i wrote that lol, so ya. they're gonna release the royal albert hall concert of them on DVD the 25th???? do you think there will be additional footage?? and where will it be sold? haha, sorry for all the Q's, but ya, is there a website for that DVD your talking about? thanks music girl, your the best
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Old 10.10.2005, 09:32
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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Well, I personally don't think there will bonus material on the dvd. I also dont know where it will be sold nad I know for sure that it will be realesed on the 25th. There is no web site for this info but, if you go to you should at least some what be informed of this info. I also recomend to go to John Fogerty's message board on his site.(Just go to "Community" and you will know what to do from there.) There are people on that board who can give more info on this subject than I can. Also, if you are really desperate on getting more info on this subject, try contacting Fantasy Records. I'm sure with the advice that I gave you, you should be very informed on this subject. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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ccr, commercial, fogerty, john

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