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Old 24.12.2005, 13:47
Mary Lou
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WOW! So I'm not alone! I'm also 17
Some 'old' fans are speaking about the other age... the other generation...
I think it's a stuff - musical tastes don't depend on the age. They rather depend on mentality of a single person, on his or her ability to feel, on dreams, aims & values......
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all!
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Old 11.01.2006, 12:57
joel joel is offline
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mary lou, you are completely right! I'm 17 and the newest music I can listen to is Dire Straits. And Fogerty of course
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Old 12.01.2006, 07:42
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Hi, I don't think individualy taste in music depends on age but it does to a large degree
by population average...
You "young" fans are somewhat rare.

Modern music doesn't seem to say much (excluding rap) so anyone looking for more depth can find it
in the older tunes. BT
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Old 12.01.2006, 08:12
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PS, I don't recall any "old" fan useing the words "other age" or "the other generation" ?
You make it sound divided, it's not, just the opposite. It's great that you younger folks have an interest in the "old" stuf. That's why I started this thread.
It's all complementing and compelling, it's about the music, BT... (an "old" fan )
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Old 31.01.2006, 06:13
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I myself am a young guy, an despite many of my peers not digin on te CCR, i choogle regardless
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Old 31.01.2006, 11:14
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im 20 and ive been listening to them since i was around 10 probably. I used to get my dads records out and listen to them when i was in middle school. I love ccr
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Old 03.02.2006, 02:17
Green_Kirby Green_Kirby is offline
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I'll be 16 this year. I started listening to them long ago, but I didn't get all that into it until I was about 13 - 14. Ever since they have been (to me) the best in anything musical. Same goes for John Fogerty. They/He'll always be my #1 favorite because I listened to them to get through alot of tough times, and I still do the same these days.
My favorite CCR song is "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?", and could probably go for my favorite song of all time.
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Old 08.02.2006, 18:29
Mary Lou
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Quote: I don't recall any "old" fan useing the words "other age" or "the other generation" ?...

Hi, BT!
Oh, I was told it hundreds of times, I suppose. Once I met a guy on some forum dedicated to music. He was a real CCR fan & was complaining of OTHER AGE & OTHER GENERATION! We had a great time e-mailing each other. But when I told him how old I was, I can truly say, he was SHOCKED, but still he was happy to "meet a CCR fan who belongs to other generation"

Quote: This is a blowout, to see young teens into a band of this era, at 37, I think I'm in the wrong forum...

Yes, I agree young fans are rare (there was the time I thought I was really alone..), but still this astonishment sometimes amazes me I liked it when older and wiser people talk to young fans like to their equals, and I get really offended when "old" fans (surely it's not you, BT, and other nice people here consider younger ones to be not able to experience THE SAME feelings, to love THE SAME music... It happens quite often, in fact...;-(

Quote: There is something honest and satisfiying in the sound of CCR...

I've watched a series of documentary about country music recently. In that series a great country singer Emilou Harris said: "Beauty, Simplicity & Honesty of lyrics and harmony of music - that's what defines real country music. It's as natural as a landscape".

I'm used to the fact that CCR is never mentioned in such films and articles, but when the matter concerns country music everybody says Creedence Clearwater Revival is the greatest group with the brightest sound. CCR sound is a mixture of blues, rhythm blues, rock'n'roll, rockabilly, southern creole tunes... But most of the mass media call their music country-rock. I think that CCR sound is closer to country music than to blues. I adore traditional country: Johnny Cash, June Carter, Alan Jackson, Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, Hank Williams senior... But I also like rock'n'roll. That's why Creedence with its country rock is the best for me. (By the way due to Creedence I understood the greatness of blues and the charming sound of sax

And the last idea that stunned me by its accuracy.

Quote: I think the music I have heard by John Fogerty after CCR sounds too rehearsed ("studio"). To me CCR sounds live, right now in front of you...

I really like "Deja Vu (All Over Again)". Some songs got riffs from CCR songs. But they don't sound SWAMPY anymore!! I was looking for an answer WHY, as John's vocal didn't change much and he plays as great as in CCR period...
Thanks, BT, for the right word - "rehearsed"...
Before I found CCR mp3-disk, I had listened to separate CCR songs mixed "after-CCR songs" in the playlist. I frankly thought that "Rockin' All Over the World", "Rock'n'Roll Girls", "Sea Cruise", "Change in the Weather" and some other songs were CCR's. They sounded so! Unfortunately, starting with "Blue Moon Swamp" John's songs sound "too rehearsed"... But all the same I like the songs & I haven't been disappointed with John's talent yet & I'm listening to the most of his "after-CCR" songs with almost the same childlike glee!)))

Good luck, folks, I'm happy I got you!
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Old 20.02.2006, 02:25
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Hello everybody:
I am a Russian. Please help me understand what is Proud Mary about? Is it about an easy-going life on a river? Is Big wheel a wheel of a steam-boat? Is Proud Mary a name of a boat? Or maybe the meaning is completeley different? Thanks.
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Old 24.02.2006, 14:14
Mary Lou
Posts: n/a

Hello, Igor!!
It's great to meet Russian people here! (I'm from Ukraine
Yes, Proud Mary is a boat. To find more information go to Lyrics (on the forum).
We discussed this question some time ago. Good Luck!!

P.S. If you want to communicate in Russian, write to me on
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