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Old 15.10.2004, 10:48
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Dear Stu, Doug & John,
What would it take for you guy's to drop all the crap thats happened and get into the studio do a new album and a worldwide tour? Anything is forgiveable and obviously forgiveness is whats needed on all sides dont you think? Can you Imagine a tour and the love that would be felt from the sea of endless fans at each show? Do it for Tom Fogerty if nothing else he would have loved to have seen this happen! Maybe even Jeff Fogerty could fill in for Tom??????? come on guys the endless arguments and B.S. has hurt the best Rock n Roll band America ever had and it's hurt the many many Fans who have wanted you guys to get over it for the past 32 years!
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Old 25.09.2012, 21:55
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It's fun to dream and hope...

I realize that this issue has been truly beaten into the ground.

I can understand newbies who may dream of actually being able to witness a "reunion" with John leading the charge of Creedence Clearwater Revival with Stu and Doug kicking out the bottom end.

I can also understand those who witnessed with their own senses an actual performance of the original members back in the day hoping to re-kindle the flame.

But -- and let's make that a real big BUT, when John is taking care of fulfilling the wishes of his fans with the following types of turnouts in his recently completed tour of Canada, I just have a sinking suspicion that it has left very little personal energy to put into a "reunion" show.

Just trying to keep "it" real.

Uhhh ... Keep your hands of my gaffers tape . . .
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Old 06.10.2012, 16:45
Westernalex Westernalex is offline
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doug, john, letter, open, stu

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