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Old 26.11.2005, 06:15
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This song brings great sadness to me. I'm not sure why, but it reminds me of my husband and how much I miss him. He died of lung cancer this year.
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Old 27.11.2005, 22:57
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I feel this song is very cynical because the song is from a man who experienced the war
to people who has never experienced the war, I think.

I wonder if the story which the song is about Napalm Bombs in Vietnam War is a real or not.
Is there anybody can let me know about this?
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Old 01.12.2005, 22:15
becca_d becca_d is offline
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"Have you ever seen the rain" is not about the Vietnam war, or napalm bombs, or war at all. John Fogerty said himself that he wrote the song about the breakup of Creedence: "Creedence was supposed to be sunny days, yet look at all the rain that's falling on us". However, I think "Who'll stop the rain" is about the Vietnam war.
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Old 02.12.2005, 08:42
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Hi Everybody! I?m from Argentina, I?m 15 and just wanted to say that I really like Creedence, I first listened them by my father, who love them more tan me I think but, there?s a special song " Have you ever seen the Rain" that really brings me good memories of my graduation party...I?m finally a teacher! I can now teach English to the small ones, and I love it...
Well, good luck everybody!....
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Old 06.12.2005, 08:33
Green_Kirby Green_Kirby is offline
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"Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" is definately my favorite CCR song. I, too, am 15.
I usually go around asking people I have known for a great while, "Have you ever seen the rain?", which usually they reply in some sort of "What?".

I, although young, have seen the rain. I usually refer to "the rain", as some sort of continueous pain, or special pain, that you can only feel during special times.
Mr. Fogerty's term for it, I believe, is indeed the breakup of CCR. I think it continued into "Someday Never Comes", another very emotional song that hits me like a ton of bricks each time I hear it.
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Old 09.12.2005, 08:13
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I like CCR, I think they are a great band, "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" is probrably my favorite song from them. The tune, the rhythm, the flow of the words make it great. I got into CCR from my brother borrowing a CD pack from a friend.
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Old 10.12.2005, 03:03
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"Have You Ever seen the rain" is one of the most powerful songs of all time. I think it owes its popularity to the fact that it Dosen't have any obvious,Known meaning. Therefore, It can mean anything you want it to. It reminds me of a girl that I know. Since I met her last year, I have always wanted to ask
her out. in september, I asked her out, and she, very loudly, said no. she said that i was a freak. probably
Because of my CCR tee shirts & Fogerty style boots.
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Old 06.03.2006, 11:29
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JLB - That girl that blew you off publicly: It's her loss, man. Shallow people like that have a lot of growing up to do, and some just never do. Fogarty's songs of pain and loss feel like they were written for each of us, and I really enjoy reading how he still impacts some of you younger folks.
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Old 18.03.2006, 15:20
Mary Lou
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It's the first CCR song that struck me.
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Old 20.04.2006, 15:31
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My friend once said, 'It's a sad song because I like it'. (She hates merry songs, in fact..)
But some people claim the song is happy. I don't know. Rain is always associated with pain...
When I'm sad, I try to listen to happy songs only. If I listen to sad songs, it's getting worse... "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" is the only sad song (still, I think it's sad) I can listen to. It got hope along with a slight feeling of sadness.
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