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Old 10.01.2013, 21:43
Arisin Wind Arisin Wind is offline
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Default CCRv - Daytona Beach Florida - 9 January 2013

Well here we go. Attended the CCRv concert in Daytona Beach Florida last night. I was expecting the standard set list but there was a surprise in store.

I left work early to meet my daughter in Daytona so we could have dinner before the concert. The drive wasn't too bad. It was a little longer than Recollection and was through the Ocala National Forest. After meeting my daughter and having dinner we headed to the Peabody Auditorium. We had front row seats, balcony. Up above the crowd so we can see everything and back far enough to be near the "sweet spot" for sound. The show looked sold out. There were very few open seats scattered about. CCRv opened with the traditional set list and we were in the sweet spot. They sounded great. After Green River the people in the front rows next to the stage became very vocal saying they couldn't hear. After that the sound quality where we were deteriorated as the show progressed. Guitars would fade out, vocals would be muddled. Not the best sounding show I've attended. The Peabody didn't seem much different from the Mahaffty Theater in St Petersburg Florida where I had seen CCRv a few months ago. That show sounded excellent.

Stu, Doug and the gang went through the typical show. All the favorites where there. It's like the Chronicle and Creedence Gold show. The big surprise came near the end when they played James Brown and the Famous Flames' Think. Even though it isn't a CCR standard it was received very well by the audience. Maybe because it sounded like a CCR song. Makes me wonder if the Blue Velvets didn't play Think once in awhile.

All in all it was a very good show. The band was extremely enthusiastic on stage and mentioned they were going on the Rock Ledgends II cruise the next day and would be playing with a stellar lineup of classic rock acts. Maybe they'll jam with some of the other artists and some bootleg treats might come our way.

Thanks Stu, Doug, John, Steve and Kurt. See you March 9th in Silver Springs Florida.

Last edited by Arisin Wind; 11.01.2013 at 20:28.
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2013, beach, ccrv, daytona, florida, january

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