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Old 10.12.2005, 05:22
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This song is great! kinda dark, but none the less an overlooked CCR masterpice. It was featured on 1969's
Willy and the Poor Boys album.I have the song on Vinal in original format. I still wondor what it is about.
Who is burning? what is the "palace door"? i will be greatful for any answer. I wondor why that song never became popular. but with a title track like that, it probobly got overlooked.

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Old 12.12.2005, 17:47
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Well, this song has certainly not been overlooked by me! I agree with you, this is a great song. I believe it is a quite political song. I think it saying that hatred and anger will not solve anything, neither for Richard Nixon who was sending soldiers to Vietnam to "kill the commies", nor for the people who were against him (the silent majority who weren't keeping quiet anymore). "In the morning, few were left to watch the ashes die". I don't know American history to well because I'm Norwegian, so exscuse me if I'm wrong, but I think that is what John Fogerty is trying to say. The palace door is maybe referring to the door of the White House? I don't know. "Who is burning Effigy?" That is a line in the song, it is a question that is left unanswered. I hope this made things a bit clearer! Does anyone else have more extencive info on what this song could be about?
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Old 16.12.2005, 15:48
joel joel is offline
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I don?t know the history behind the song but i just want to say that effigy truly great!!
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Old 21.07.2008, 00:08
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Originally Posted by becca_d View Post
Well, this song has certainly not been overlooked by me! I agree with you, this is a great song. I believe it is a quite political song. I think it saying that hatred and anger will not solve anything, neither for Richard Nixon who was sending soldiers to Vietnam to "kill the commies", nor for the people who were against him (the silent majority who weren't keeping quiet anymore). "In the morning, few were left to watch the ashes die". I don't know American history to well because I'm Norwegian, so exscuse me if I'm wrong, but I think that is what John Fogerty is trying to say. The palace door is maybe referring to the door of the White House? I don't know. "Who is burning Effigy?" That is a line in the song, it is a question that is left unanswered. I hope this made things a bit clearer! Does anyone else have more extencive info on what this song could be about?
this user got the truth..
something to remember is that john fogerty wrote too much songs talking about social themes, about wars, the politicians, etc. everything happened and related about EEUU is the inspiration to him.
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