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Old 13.01.2010, 01:09
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Default Just listened to sinister purpose/cross tie walker

Yes I know, start throwing change at me.......I have NEVER played these songs until now.....yeah bill me. I spend all day playing with this stuff, that doesnt mean I get to hear it all, I spend 90% of my time on just ONE song......It takes a long time to get it sounding right, and in this case my time was absorbed by Woodstock/Rehearsal and Albert Hall.

Anywhos These songs are so strange to me (well sinsiter purpose is more like cottenfields, aka a pleasant surprise, as for crosstie walker its just a strange little song like the last 2 minutes of ramble tamble where it goes all dramatic/epic guitar solo out of no where), they seem nothing like the other songs im familiar with on this particular album (bad moon, lodi, river and night time, etc).

They feel like they were recorded in 1976 instead of odd, I have officially branded CCR as the "band of randomness", This is why you cant put CCR under a certain Genre. But then again, I cant believe that CCR was a 60's band, when you think about only a few songs reak of 60's, everything else is timeless........they really cant be placed into a time period at all. Other than fortunate son which automatically makes me think vietnam. Most of their music is still fresh to me. (for all that is holy do NOT listen to live in europe more than once, or youll be traumatized for life.)

Im sure theres more songs I havent bothered hearing, maybe if i had a frappin turntable I could hear them......errrrm (/end rant)

Dont get me wrong I know of 98% of CCRs songs and I love 95% of that 98%, but since i havent listened to CCR for fun in the last 2 years (mainly for projects which involve repetative playback over and over....)

I want to get my vinyl projects done for 2 reasons.
1) I love vinyl, the quality is execellent, nothing comes close
2) I want to hear CCR the way it was intended, even the cassette tapes sound different than the CD's, (The Concert on cassette is better than the CD....thats just shameful, tape sucks unless it runs at 30ips lol)

anywhos...another windy, quality thread by the local nerdistmonk
(Also another duly noted difference is the tape runs 8% faster than the CD, the record of Willy(and the poor boys) also ran this much faster, vinyl running faster than a cd is not a good sign, that means they tampered with the cds, The 6 cd set isnt bad, but lets just say I see 22 things I could do to them still. Wiskel and Ubert say the 40th annis are a genuine stinker. (The sound is completely lacking detail.....compared to the 6 cd set which sounds as good as a cd could ever try to be, the vinyl still wins though for many reasons)
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Old 14.01.2010, 08:46
Voyeur Voyeur is offline
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I've been wondering why the hatred for the Live in Europe concert. Now I know why. LOL

I got that CD/DVD package (I got it cheap from some Russian dealer online) and while it's great to see the video, the Live in Europe concert does kinda suck.

However, the CD of the entire Albert Hall concert is outstanding!
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Old 14.01.2010, 13:50
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Originally Posted by Voyeur View Post
I've been wondering why the hatred for the Live in Europe concert. Now I know why. LOL

I got that CD/DVD package (I got it cheap from some Russian dealer online) and while it's great to see the video, the Live in Europe concert does kinda suck.

However, the CD of the entire Albert Hall concert is outstanding!

cd of albert hall? im assuming thats a bootleg, I dont play on doing an albert hall remaster (CD) until later in the year
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Old 14.01.2010, 19:47
Voyeur Voyeur is offline
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Originally Posted by nerdistmonk View Post
cd of albert hall? im assuming thats a bootleg, I dont play on doing an albert hall remaster (CD) until later in the year
Yeah, I have to make a correction. It's this set I'm talking about:

...which is actually the concert in Oakland, I think. For some reason they list it as the Royal Albert Hall concert on the cover. Why do they keep making that mistake?

By the way...I really like Cross Tie Walker. Not a fan of Sinister Purpose. But maybe it'll grow on me.
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listened, purpose or cross, sinister, tie, walker

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