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Old 14.11.2003, 23:43
Posts: n/a

Hi everybody,

I always wanted to know why creedence does not appear in the Woodstock video. what was the real cause?

I've heard a lot of versions:

1) somebody told me that they were banned because they used to smoke weed on stage. personally i don't believe this one.

2) They played fortunate son and this got some politician mad, who ordered to cut their part.

3) I read in a magazine that they didn't want to appear because john thought they sounded horrible.

and many other that i can't remember now...
If anybody knows the reason (i'm looking for a reason XD) please post a message.

Creedence Clearwater Revival is the true name of Rock And Roll!!!

the beatles sucks!!!!
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Old 19.11.2003, 08:27
Posts: n/a

I believe reason #3 is the right one. John thought their performance was not worthy of being released to the public on tape, because he felt it didn't match up to other creedence performances. he didnt want some one to see this performance and judge them on that. id love to see it though any creedence performance is a good one in my book.
oh the info was from both books "up around the bend" and "bad moon rising"

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Old 09.12.2003, 19:32
Posts: n/a

......The Beatles "Sucks!!!!", Oh yeah, we are dealing with a real genius here.... If it weren't for The Beatles there would most likly not be the great CCR, at least the one that we all love and respect so much.... Thanks for the great music and social/political message... I wish we had more of that now, we certainly could use it...
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Old 15.12.2003, 08:17
Posts: n/a

Goes to show you how much you know bout the beatles. You suck more....
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Old 20.12.2003, 04:53
Posts: n/a

Goes to show you how much you know about The Beatles? What does that mean?
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Old 23.12.2003, 17:27
Posts: n/a

do they were at woodstock?, well im from a new generation but even new generations know about woodstock and all those hilarious things from 60?s. as a matter of fact i just have seen the woodstock video, and i didnt know that creedence had performanced in that show. and let me tell you something about creedence, they dit it very, but very good, but, in no way you can compare them with THE BEATLES. OK? but it could be your opinion and i respect it. have a nice day.
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Old 21.11.2004, 05:34
Posts: n/a

I have heard that because everything was delayed , Creedence performed at Woodstock early in the morning when most of the audience were asleep after a long day and night with music.
"Woodstock 1969" CD Box Set contains part of the Creedence - performance at Woodstock.
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1969, happened

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