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Health A Ways negative. Finish the set up with 4 "normal" reps. Or do three 10-rep sets of chin-up. Do the first 5 reps with a 3-second pause at the top and a 3-second eccentric. Do the second 5 reps explosively. 3 – Build A Good Strength Base Novice Tip You won't build huge legs from squatting 135 pounds or build a huge chest from pressing pink dumbbells. Of course, no one was born pressing 500 pounds or squatting 700 .
Health A Ways negative. Finish the set up with 4 "normal" reps. Or do three 10-rep sets of chin-up. Do the first 5 reps with a 3-second pause at the top and a 3-second eccentric. Do the second 5 reps explosively. 3 – Build A Good Strength Base Novice Tip You won't build huge legs from squatting 135 pounds or build a huge chest from pressing pink dumbbells. Of course, no one was born pressing 500 pounds or squatting 700 .