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Old 19.04.2010, 15:42
rohmer22 rohmer22 is offline
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Default question for college paper

Hey guys, first off Ill admit that I am relatively new to CCR and have only heard a few of their songs. Anyway, I am doing a college paper on the song "Fortunate Sons" and would like to ask a few questions about it. Mainly, I have noticed that the song is frequently mistaken for a patriotic anthem. Do you guys have any thoughts as to why this is? Also, I would like more general thoughts on the song as well, both about other ways it has been absorbed into modern culture and how it was relevant to the protest movement, both then and today. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 19.04.2010, 20:03
Voyeur Voyeur is offline
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I suppose someone could view Fortunate Son as patriotic in that it speaks for people who aren't born in a position of power and influence (money, politics, military leaders), which is most Americans.

So in that respect, it's probably one of the great blue collar songs.

But, ultimately, Fortunate Son is a protest song. And protesting is one of our great rights which can be viewed as patriotic as well.
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Old 13.06.2010, 14:24
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Originally Posted by Voyeur View Post
I suppose someone could view Fortunate Son as patriotic in that it speaks for people who aren't born in a position of power and influence (money, politics, military leaders), which is most Americans.

So in that respect, it's probably one of the great blue collar songs.

But, ultimately, Fortunate Son is a protest song. And protesting is one of our great rights which can be viewed as patriotic as well.
John Fogerty, politically speaking has flipped more times than a $2 bill in the wind....

He claimed to not be on either side when he wrote Fortunate Son in 1970, even though its been used as a anti-war song ever since, now hes democrat...and all his old material suddenly has different I dont know, heres as good an answer as any....

It sounds good, so I listen to it, thusly the universe is restored to its proper balance and all was right with the world......
Houston, This is Aquarius signing off.
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Old 13.06.2010, 21:26
Voyeur Voyeur is offline
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Originally Posted by nerdistmonk View Post
John Fogerty, politically speaking has flipped more times than a $2 bill in the wind....

He claimed to not be on either side when he wrote Fortunate Son in 1970, even though its been used as a anti-war song ever since, now hes democrat...and all his old material suddenly has different I dont know, heres as good an answer as any....

It sounds good, so I listen to it, thusly the universe is restored to its proper balance and all was right with the world......
Different times call for different meanings. I'm willing to guess he's always been a Democrat though.
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