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Old 18.07.2005, 16:17
Posts: n/a

Hi everyone,
Just recieved an e-mail from a company called Classic Rock Direct promoting a new CCR independant critical review, this is the page wondered if anyone else had heard of it. It states that it contains an in-depth retrospective with bassist Stu Cook who revisits every Clearwater album??
Sounds interesting and it would be great to see some of the old footage don't you think?

The Captain
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Old 21.07.2005, 20:12
Music Girl Music Girl is offline
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I don't know about this. But it does surprise me that if Stu did this how come Cosmo didn't? I know John is down for this for obvious reasons. It is likely that it will probally be bias towards John too. Our house hold isn't to fond of Stu but we do know for obvious reasons that he can tear up the bass. We all know that he proved this during the Creedence days. But we are not to fond of CCRv and Stu. So, I don't think I would buy it. If I offend anybody here I am sorry but I wouldn't want to hear Stu talk for about an hour even if he talking about Creedence. Mabey 15 to 30 minutes but not an hour. I am sorry if I offend anybody about this but it is the way I feel and like I said before, I am not fond of Stu Cook at all. I hope you have a nice day and ROCK ON!!!
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