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Old 21.12.2005, 09:17
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Hi, becca

You are a true music lover, you surprise me with what you know. Is good.
Zeppelin was a cool band allright, their first album was packed with good songs.
All their albums are worth owning, they all have really great songs.
The more you listen the better it gets. Plant could belt out the vocals and
Page was a master, one of my favorite guitarists. The whole band was awsome.
If you haven't heard much, your in for a treat. BT
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Old 21.12.2005, 09:56
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Sounds like you and your family have a fun thing going, that's great.
Some of you tunes made me think you could do good job with some old Springsteen.
Cadilac Ranch ?... cool. BT
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Old 21.12.2005, 15:54
joel joel is offline
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I feel blue when my friends tell me what kind of music they listen to; rap and the other crap they play on the MTV all day long. Creedence need to get played on the radio much more often than today! so if you who read this work on a radiostation, Start playing Creedence today!!!
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Old 22.12.2005, 00:40
becca_d becca_d is offline
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becca_d is infamous around these parts

Hi, BT! Well, I'm just made that way, whenever I bump into new music, I try to find out more about the artist. When I discovered Creedence I borrowed a biography on them at the library, the first book in english I have read from cover to cover, actually. And, yes, I would characterize myself as a music lover! I don't play any music myself (and I think the world is grateful for that...), but I love to listen to music, and to talk about it. The only problem is, my friends are not as passionate as I am about music. Well, if I only can get some cd's with Led Zep now... And Joel, I know how you feel!
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Old 22.12.2005, 01:28
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Hi. I have a CCR bio on order. "First book read in english" I never thought about that, that's cool.
When it comes to music (as most things) people live at different depths.
If you are "deep" finding people to relate may be harder. (that's where sites like this shine) BT
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Old 22.12.2005, 22:38
becca_d becca_d is offline
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The biography I read was "Bad Moon Rising" by Hank Bordowitz. Is that the book you have on order? There will be more books in english, I love english, it's my favoritesubject at school! Well, I'm not a music NERD, that bothers everyone around me with (for them) uninteresting music talk, but I wish I had more opportunities to discuss music with someone who was equally interested. It seems like when my friends put on music, they do it to have a background sound (I'm not sure if that's the right expression, but you know what I mean), while I put on music to really listen to it, and experience it. But thank God my best friend likes Creedence (that is not the only reason she is my best friend....)! On the Centerfield album, there is two songs that Saul Zaents sued John Fogerty for, because he thought they were libelling him. I'm talking about "Sanz can't danze" and "Mr. Greed". How are they? I'm quite curious!
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Old 23.12.2005, 00:24
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Hi becca, The bio I have on order is Up Around the Bend. Exactly, you are a "listener" , I mostly don't like backgroundmusic.(no depth) It use to be called elevator music, maybe still is, usually just more noise.

I heard about the "commotion" with the Centerfield album, I believe Fogerty won.
The reason I heard was that the songs sound were "too" CCR, I agree, after all, who "was" the sound of CCR.
Maybe John "looked" too much like John too. Most of the album has a very similar sound to CCR but more sinthesized and a little bright sounding, (to me) But I think it is a good album. has samples of most albums and songs I have wanted to test run. BT
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Old 23.12.2005, 03:54
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Hi again! There were actually two lawsuits, first it was about the two songs I mentioned. John was not exactly a fan of Zaents (the owner of Fantasy, Creedence's recordlabel), claiming he had ripped him of. He meant that Zaents hadn't given him and the rest of the band the all the money they should have, because of the pretty lousy recordcontract that Zaents refused to change, even though he had promised to do that as soon as the band gained popularity. So, he wrote the songs. I am sure the story has some more, but I'm rather fuzzy about the details. And then there was the suit were Fantasy was sueing John, claiming that he with the song "Old man down the road" had plagiarized the Creedence song "Run through the jungle". And one more thing; John changed the name to "Vanz can't danze" in an attempt to appease Zaents (it probably just made him more pissed of...). What do you mean with "John 'looked' to much like John"? I didn't get that.
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Old 23.12.2005, 23:14
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Hi, I ment if John sounded too CCR and was getting sued, maybe he looked too CCR and they could sue him for that too. A little sarcasm,... suing him for being him.
It sounds like there was more to it than what I had heard though. BT
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Old 24.12.2005, 03:13
becca_d becca_d is offline
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Oh, right! Sorry, I must be one of those persons who sarcasm is completely waisted on... But anyway, it was a pretty ridiculous thing to sue him for, "plagiarizing" himself. As you said, suing him for being him. Lucky for him, he won.
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